
Showing posts from July, 2013

Curiousities about sex

26. A quick way to get in the mood: hug your guy for 30 seconds. Cuddling boosts oxytocin (aka the bonding hormone) and libido. 35. Studies show that sex can boost your immune system. 40. Making out burns about 20 kilojoules a minute. 41. When you kiss someone, you exchange hormonal and health info. It's nature's way of allowing you to assess if you click sexually. 45. When a guy touches you, your body temp rises three times more than when a woman touches you. 50. Sex can actually blow your mind: transient amnesia (temporary memory loss) can be triggered by wild sex. 51. Men think about sex around 19 times a day. 52. Women? Ten times. 56. The more masculine- looking a guy is, the more times you'll orgasm. 58. Don't hold your breath during sex: the more oxygen that gets to your genitals, the more aroused you'll be. 59. Morning wood isn't because he wants sex. Blood flows to his penis when he's asleep, causing an erection. ---------- Se...

Curiosities about sex

1. Your breasts can swell up to 25 per cent when you're aroused, making them super-sensitive. 2. It's possible for a guy to orgasm and not ejaculate. So if you don't see any, uh, evidence, that doesn't mean he's faking it. 3. The average speed of a guy's ejaculation is 45km/ h. 4. Nerve endings in the clitoris extend out to the mons pubis (where your pubic hair grows), which is why grinding against your guy feels so good. 5. Not only does it feel amazing – your orgasm also has other things going for it. It releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and oxytocin, which makes you feel more connected with your man. 15. The typical female orgasm lasts 25 seconds. 16. The top of the breast is most sensitive, the bottom of the breast is least sensitive. 17. The clitoris has about 8000 nerve endings… 18. … and it doesn't stop growing. By age 32, your clitoris is four times larger than it was at puberty. 25. You are more likely to orgasm i...

3 Gjera

Ka 3 gjëra ne jetë që nuk kthehen mbrapa.. Fjala, Koha dhe Rasti i Duhur.. Ka 3 gjëra në jetë që të shkatërrojnë..Gënjeshtra, Krenaria e tepërt dhe Xhelozia.. Ka 3 gjëra në jetë që nuk duhen humbur: Durimi, Shpresa dhe Besimi.. Ka 3 gjëra në jetë me vlerë të pafundme: Dashuria, Familja dhe Miqësia. :-) ---------- Sent from my Nokia phone

12 years that got fucked up as hell....

---------- Sent from my Nokia phone

It's over..

It's fucking over..! ---------- Sent from my Nokia phone